Programming in C Lab

Programming in C Lab

The programming lab is well equipped with all equipments that satisfy the curriculum laboratory. The aims of this course are to provide a solid introduction to programming in C and to provide an overview of the principles and constraints that affect the way in which the C programming language have been designed and are used.


  • Processor :- Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-10100 CPU @ 3.60GHz
  • RAM :- 8 GB
  • HDD :- 256 GB SSD
  • Monitor : – 18’’ TFT

Software Used

  • Dev C++ IDE
  • Code Block IDE
  • Windows 10 Education OS

List of Experiments

Experiment No. 1

a) Write a C program to find the sum of individual digits of a positive integer.

b) A Fibonacci sequence is defined as follows: the first and second terms in the sequence are 0 and 1. Subsequent terms are found by adding the preceding two terms in the sequence. Write a C program to generate the first n terms of the sequence.

c) Write a C program to generate all the prime numbers between 1 and n, where n is a value supplied by the user.

Experiment No. 2

a) Write a C program to calculate the following Sum:

Sum=1-x2 /2! +x4 /4!-x6 /6!+x8 /8!-x10/10!

b) Write a C program to find the roots of a quadratic equation.

Experiment No. 3

a) Write C programs that use both recursive and non-recursive functions

i) To find the factorial of a given integer.

ii) To find the GCD (greatest common divisor) of two given integers.

iii) To solve Towers of Hanoi problem.

Experiment No. 4

a) Write a C program to find both the larges and smallest number in a list of integers.

b) Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following:

i) Addition of Two Matrices

ii) Multiplication of Two Matrices

Experiment No. 5

a) Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations:

i) To insert a sub-string in to given main string from a given position.

ii) To delete n Characters from a given position in a given string.

b) Write a C program to determine if the given string is a palindrome or not

Experiment No. 6

a) Write a C program to construct a pyramid of numbers.

b) Write a C program to count the lines, words and characters in a given text.

Experiment No.7

a) Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations:

i) Reading a complex number

ii) Writing a complex number

iii) Addition of two complex numbers

iv) Multiplication of two complex numbers

Experiment No. 8

a) Write a C program which copies one file to another.

b) Write a C program to reverse the first n characters in a file. (Note: The file name and n are specified on the command line.)

Beyond Syllabus:

  1. Graphics Programs using built-in library.
  2. Creating own library file for string operations.

Data Structure using C Lab

This course concentrates on the practical implementation of Data Structure using C Environment. This course allows students to understand practically the Logical and physical representation of data, algorithms, complexity and efficiency, data Structure operations, matrix representations, linked lists and their Different variations, string storage representation and manipulation, queues and stacks and their applications, tree structures and their different variations, graphs, sorting techniques and searching techniques.


  • Processor :- Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-10100 CPU @ 3.60GHz
  • RAM :- 8 GB
  • HDD :- 256 GB SSD
  • Monitor : – 18’’ TFT

Software Used

  • Dev C++ IDE
  • Code Block IDE
  • Windows 10 Education OS

List of Experiments

List of Experiments

Experiment No. 1

Write a C program to perform matrix multiplication using array.

Experiment No. 2

a) Write a C program to create a stack using an array and perform

  •  push operation
  •  pop operation

b) Write a C program to create a queue and perform

  • Push
  •  pop
  •  Traversal

Experiment No. 3

Write a C program that uses Stack operations to perform the following:

  • Converting infix expression into postfix expression
  • Evaluating the postfix expression

Experiment No. 4

Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations on Single linked list:

  • Creation
  • Insertion
  • Deletion
  • Traversal in both ways

Experiment No. 5

Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations on Double linked list:

  • Creation
  • Insertion
  • Deletion

Experiment No. 6

Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations on Binary Tree:

  •  Creation
  •  Insertion
  •  Deletion

Experiment No. 7

Write C programs that use both recursive and non recursive functions to perform the linear search operation for a Key value in a given list of integers.

Experiment No. 8

Write C program that use both recursive and non recursive functions to perform the Binary search operation for a Key value in a given list of integers:

Experiment No. 9

Write a C program that implement Bubble Sort method to sort a given list of integers in descending order.

Experiment No. 10

Write a C program that implement Quick Sort method to sort a given list of integers in ascending order:

Beyond Syllabus:

Experiment No.11

  • Write a program to sort give n numbers in an ascending order.
  • Write a program to find out square root of a given number using user defined function in a user define header file.

Experiment No.12

  • Write a c program to create a list using array and insert a new item in that list.
  • Write a c program to create a dynamic list using pointer of a given size n and display it.

Experiment No.13

  • Write a c program which copies one file to another.
  • Write a c program to reverse the first n characters in a file.

Experiment No.14

  • Write a C program that implement Single Source Shortest Path Algorithms.
  • Write a C program that implement B-Tree Operations.

Database Management System Lab

The Database Lab is designed to graduate students to the foundations of database systems, focusing on basics such as the relational algebra, data model and transactions using SQL programming. The lab is well organized and equipped with sufficient numbers of systems that satisfy the curriculum requirements. The lab is sufficient to accommodate one system per student for each experiment. Sufficient number of systems is available keeping in mind the comfort ability to conduct each experiment.


  • Processor :- Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-10100 CPU @ 3.60GHz
  • RAM :- 8 GB
  • HDD :- 256 GB SSD
  • Monitor : – 18’’ TFT

Software Used

  • Dev C++ IDE
  • Code Block IDE
  • Oracle 10g Express Edition
  • Windows 10 Education OS

List of Experiments

    • Use of SQL syntax: insertion, deletion, join, updation using SQL. (1 class)
    • Programs on join statements and SQL queries including where clause. (1 class)
    • Programs on procedures and functions. (1 class)
    • Programs on database triggers. (1 class)
    • Programs on packages. (1 class)
    • Programs on data recovery using check point technique. (1 class)
    • Concurrency control problem using lock operations. (1 class)
    • Programs on ODBC using either VB or VC++. (1 class)
    • Programs on JDBC. (1 class)
    • Programs on embedded SQL using C / C++ as host language. (1 class)

    Beyond Syllabus:

    • Data Modeling of Departmental CLUB Activity.
    • Data Modeling of Seminar & Project Allotment.


Design and Analysis of Algorithm Lab

The lab is well equipped with all equipments that satisfy the curriculum laboratory. The lab helps the students in designing different algorithms and implementation of some complicated program. The lab helps to implement different real life projects.  The lab is sufficient to accommodate all students. The students develop their skill in the analysis and design of programs and do beyond curriculum labs that help them to implement theory into practical knowledge in data structure.


  • Processor :- Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-10100 CPU @ 3.60GHz
  • RAM :- 8 GB
  • HDD :- 256 GB SSD
  • Monitor : – 18’’ TFT

Software Used

  • Dev C++ IDE
  • Code Block IDE
  • Windows 10 Education OS

List of Experiments

  1. Using a stack of characters, convert an infix string to postfix string.(1 class)
  2.      Implement insertion, deletion, searching of a BST. (1 class)
  3. (a) Implement binary search and linear search in a program

(b) Implement a heap sort using a max heap.

  1. (a) Implement DFS/ BFS for a connected graph.

(b) Implement Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm using BFS.

  1. (a) Write a program to implement Huffman’s algorithm.

(b) Implement MST using Kruskal/Prim algorithm.

  1. (a) Write a program on Quick sort algorithm.

(b) Write a program on merge sort algorithm. Take different input instances for both the   algorithm and show the running time.

  1. Implement Strassen’s matrix multiplication algorithm.
  2. Write down a program to find out a solution for 0 / 1 Knapsack problem.
  3. Using dynamic programming implement LCS.
  4. (a) Find out the solution to the N-Queen problem.

(b) Implement back tracking using game trees.


Beyond Syllabus:

  1. Travelling salesman problem
  2. Process Scheduling Algorithm

Java Programming Lab

Java Programming Laboratory (JPL) is an educational application designed to assist students learn Java programming language. It provides an environment that allows students to develop their programming skills by starting with simple Java code fragments and slowly transitioning to complete Java programs. By applying programming concepts different complicated programs are applied. Once the concepts are clear, a set of exercises given on the concerned topics would help the students to evaluate themselves and their progress of learning.


  • Processor :- Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-10100 CPU @ 3.60GHz
  • RAM :- 8 GB
  • HDD :- 256 GB SSD
  • Monitor : – 18’’ TFT

Software Used

  • Dev C++ IDE
  • Code Block IDE
  • JDK 11
  • Eclipse IDE
  • Oracle 10g Express Edition
  • Windows 10 Education OS

List of Experiments

Assignment 1

Q1. Write a program to print “Hello World”.

Q2. Write a program to find sum of  two numbers.

Q3.  Write a program  to perform all  arithmetic operations.

Q4. Write a program to find simple interest over a principal value.

Q5. Write a program to display a message using print() and  println() method.

Assignment 2

Q1 Write a program to check a number is Even or Odd using if-else clause.

Q2.  Write a program to check a number is prime or not.

Q3. Write a program to print 1 to 100  using for-loop.

Q4. Write two programs to print 1  to 100  using “while-loop” and  “do-while loop”  respectively.

Q5. Write a program to print the list of even numbers and odd numbers separately with in range.

Q6. Write a program to print contents of  an array using loop.

Q7. Write a program to print contents of array using for-each-loop.

Q8. Write a program to print sum of array elements.

Q9. Write a program to implement switch-case.

Q10. Write a program to take input from key board and display the data.

Assignment 3

Q1. Write a program to print the greatest and smallest number in 1 d array.

Q2. Write a program to access contents of 2d array using  loop.

Q3. Write a program to arrange a list of numbers in ascending order and then descending order.

Q4. Write a program to find the frequency of repetition of an element in an array also print the position of repetition.


Q5. Write a program to overload constructor to print default value and user’s value.

Q6. Write a program to overload the area() method to calculate area of rectangle, triangle  and circle.

Q7. Write multiple programs  for all access modifier and no-access modifiers.

Assignment 4

Q1. Write a program to implement single inheritance.

Q2. Write a program to implement multi level inheritance.

Q3. Write a program to implement  hierarchical inheritance.

Q4. Write a program to inherit two different interfaces in a single class.

Q5. Write a program to access parameterized constructor using super and this keyword.

Q6. Write a program to create “user-defined package” and use it in different packages.

Q7. Write a program to access contents of user defined package using fully qualified path.

Q8. Write a program to handle an exception of a number divided by zero..

Q9. Write a program to check vowel character using exception handling code.

Q10. Write a program to implement  user defined exceptions.

Assignment 5

Q1. Write a GUI application to design  “Login Page” using AWT.

Q2. Write a GUI application to design  “Registration Page” using AWT.

Assignment  6

Q1. Write a program to give the action to the button using  ActionListener.

Q2 Write a program to give the action to the “window close button” in AWT using  WindowListener.

Q3. Write a program to give the action to the button using  KeyListener.

Q4. Write a program  to use the MouseListener.

Q5. Write a program to use the MouseMotionListener.



 Assignment 7

Q1. Write a program  to demonstrate life cycle of Thread.

Q2. Write a program to create two different threads using  Runnable  interface.

Q3. Write a GUI application to design a “Digital Clock” using Thread.

Q4. Write a GUI application to design  a “Stop Watch” using Thread.

 Assignment 8

Q1. Write a program to demonstrate a life-cycle of an Applet.

Q2. Write a program to move a ball within the Applet.

Q1. Write a program  to implement the FlowLayout.

Q2. Write a program  to implement the BorderLayout.

Q3. Write a program  to implement the CardLayout.

Q4 Write a program  to implement the GridLayout .

 Assignment 9

Q1. Write a GUI application to design  “Login Page” using Swing.

Q2. Write a GUI application to design  “Registration Page” using Swing.

Q3. Write a program to implement the RMI.

Q4. Write a Socket programming code to chat between two terminals.

Assignment 10

Q1. Write a JBDC code to insert  data into the  Database.

Q2. Write a JBDC code to select  data from  Database.

Q3. Write a JBDC code to delete some  data in the Database.

Q4. Write a JBDC code to update data in the Database.

Q5. Write an animated  program using JavaFX.



Beyond Syllabus:

  1. Project on Student Information System.
  2. Data Structure using JAVA.

Computer Organization Lab

The lab provides a number of ready-to-teach laboratory exercises for computer organization courses. The exercises address the basic concepts, which include assembly language programming, subroutines, stacks, input/output techniques, bus structure, and arbitration. This course provides students the opportunity to study and evaluate a modern computer architecture design. The course covers topics in fundamentals of computer design, performance, cost, instruction set design, processor implementation, control unit, communication and network, memory hierarchy, computer arithmetic, input-output using kits like CPU trainer kit, printer trainer kit and software like VHDL.

List of Equipments

  • Printer trainer module
  • SMPS trainer kit
  • CPU trainer kit


  • VHDL
  • Code Block IDE
  • Windows 10 Education OS

List of Experiments

  1. To recognize various components of PC.
  2. Dismantling and assembling a PC.
  3. Some experiments using Hardware trainer kits for SMPS, CPU , Hard disk , Motherboard, printer, real time clock etc.
  4. Simulation of simple fundamental units like half adder, full adder, multiplexer, de-multiplexer, Arithmetic logic Unit, Simple processor (CPU) etc using VHDL code.


Beyond Syllabus:

  1. Experiment by using H/W Trainer kit of Keyboard.
  2. Simulation of Johnson counter using VHDL.

Operating System Lab

An operating system (OS) lab helps students to learn to manage computer hardware and software resources. This lab complements the operating systems course. Students will gain practical experience with designing and implementing concepts of operating systems such as system calls, CPU scheduling, process management, memory management, file systems and deadlock handling use C language in Linux environment.


  • Processor :- Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-10100 CPU @ 3.60GHz
  • RAM :- 8 GB
  • HDD :- 256 GB SSD
  • Monitor : – 18’’ TFT

Software Used

  • Dev C++ IDE
  • Code Block IDE
  • Cygwin
  • Ubuntu OS
  • Windows 10 Education OS

List of Experiments

  1. Basic UNIX Commands.
  2. UNIX Shell Programming.
  3. Programs on process creation and synchronization, inter process communication including shared memory, pipes and messages.( Dinning Philosopher problem / Cigarette Smoker problem / Sleeping barber problem)
  4. Programs on UNIX System calls.
  5. Simulation of CPU Scheduling Algorithms. (FCFS, RR, SJF, Priority, Multilevel Queuing)
  6. Simulation of Banker’s Algorithm for Deadlock Avoidance, Prevention
  7. Program for FIFO, LRU, and OPTIMAL page replacement algorithm.

Beyond Syllabus:

  1. Implementation of Producer Consumer Problem.
  2. Implementatin of Dining Philosophers Problem.

Software Engineering Lab

  1. Basic UNIX Commands.
  2. UNIX Shell Programming.
  3. Programs on process creation and synchronization, inter process communication including shared memory, pipes and messages.( Dinning Philosopher problem / Cigarette Smoker problem / Sleeping barber problem)
  4. Programs on UNIX System calls.
  5. Simulation of CPU Scheduling Algorithms. (FCFS, RR, SJF, Priority, Multilevel Queuing)
  6. Simulation of Banker’s Algorithm for Deadlock Avoidance, Prevention
  7. Program for FIFO, LRU, and OPTIMAL page replacement algorithm.

Beyond Syllabus:

  1. Implementation of Producer Consumer Problem.
  2. Implementatin of Dining Philosophers Problem.


  • Processor :- Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-10100 CPU @ 3.60GHz
  • RAM :- 8 GB
  • HDD :- 256 GB SSD
  • Monitor : – 18’’ TFT

Software Used

  • Dev C++ IDE
  • Code Block IDE
  • Dia
  • StarUML
  • Windows 10 Education OS

List of Experiments

Experiment1: Develop requirements specification for a given problem (The requirements
specification should include both functional and non-functional requirements. For a set of
about 20 sample problems, see the questions section of Chap 6 of Software Engineering
book of Rajib Mall)
Experiment 2: Develop DFD Model (Level 0, Level 1 DFD and data dictionary) of the
sample problem (Use of a CASE tool required)
Experiment 3: Develop structured design for the DFD model developed
Experiment 4: Develop UML Use case model for a problem (Use of a CASE tool any of
Rational rose, Argo UML, or Visual Paradigm etc. is required)
Experiment 5: Develop Sequence Diagrams.
Experiment 6: Develop Class diagrams.
Experiment 7: Develop code for the developed class model using Java.
Experiment 8: Use testing tool such as Junit.
Experiment 9: Use a configuration management tool.
Experiment 10: Use any one project management tool such as Microsoft Project, Gantt
Project or ProjectLibre

Compiler Design Lab

  1. Using JFLAP, create a DFA from a given regular expression. All types of error must be checked during the conversion.
  2. Read a regular expression in standard form and check its validity by converting it to postfix form. Scan a string and check whether the string matches against the given regular expression or not.
  3. (Tokenizing). A programs that reads a source code in C/C++ from an unformatted file and extract various types of tokens from it (e.g. keywords/variable names, operators, constant values).
  4. Read a regular expression in its standard form and find out an Ɛ-NFA from it. Need to use adjacency list data structureof graph to store NFA. Thompson’s construction needs to be used too. [2 labs]
  5. Evaluate an arithmetic expression with parentheses, unary and binary operators using Flex and Yacc.[Need to write yylex() function and to be used with Lex and yacc.]
  6. (Tokenizing) Use Lex and yacc to extract tokens from a given source code.
  7. Write a suitable data structure to store a Context Free Grammar. Prerequisite is to eliminate left recursion from the grammar before storing. Write functions to find FIRST and FOLLOW of all the variables.[May use unformatted file / array to store the result].
  8. Using JFLAP create LL(1) parse table for a given CFG and hence Simulate LL(1) parsing.
  9. Using JFLAP create SLR(1) parse table for a given grammar. Simulate parsing and output the parse tree proper format.


  • Processor :- Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-10100 CPU @ 3.60GHz
  • RAM :- 8 GB
  • HDD :- 256 GB SSD
  • Monitor : – 18’’ TFT

Software Used

  • Dev C++ IDE
  • Code Blocks IDE
  • Flex 2.5
  • Windows 10 Education OS

List of Experiments

  1. Basic UNIX Commands.
  2. UNIX Shell Programming.
  3. Programs on process creation and synchronization, inter process communication including shared memory, pipes and messages.( Dinning Philosopher problem / Cigarette Smoker problem / Sleeping barber problem)
  4. Programs on UNIX System calls.
  5. Simulation of CPU Scheduling Algorithms. (FCFS, RR, SJF, Priority, Multilevel Queuing)
  6. Simulation of Banker’s Algorithm for Deadlock Avoidance, Prevention
  7. Program for FIFO, LRU, and OPTIMAL page replacement algorithm.

Beyond Syllabus:

  1. Implementation of Producer Consumer Problem.
  2. Implementatin of Dining Philosophers Problem.

IoT and WSN Lab

A Beyond-Curriculum Specialty Lab to expand the scope of your learning experience at Trident Academy of Technology

With an objective to expand the scope of regular course coverage and traditional university curriculum offerings, Trident Academy of Technology decided to add few “Beyond Curriculum” labs to provide student as well as teachers a nascent exposure and opportunity of stretching their knowledge beyond boundaries in few vital and upcoming areas of technology. This is for the first time in the state that TAT has setup such facilities to upgrade the knowledge of students and faculties in new technology areas.


This IoT-WS Lab (Internet of Things and Wireless Sensor Network) is one of such additions to the series of labs branded as “Beyond Curriculum Labs“. Setup of this lab funded from the intramural sources, came up as a special interest project of the Chief Mentor, with a vision to buildup trained human resource those who will contribute towards the technological advancement of the state Odisha through active involvement in various Smart City and other projects of industrial and social concern.


Key motivation fact behind setting-up the IoT-WSN Lab is that even if students come across the topics such as embedded systems, real-time systems, sensors, etc. during the regular classroom offering as per the university curriculum, they are left far behind the scope of experiencing their significance in real-life due to their curricular limitations. This motivated the Chief Mentor to bridge this curriculum gap from a positive perspective and suggested setup of appropriate infrastructure:


  • to provide practical experience and exposure to students in designing, deploying and implementing wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in both indoor and outdoor conditions, and
  • to groom technical workforce with the competency to provide support services, both of technical and consultancy nature, suitable for setting WSNs and testing small wireless sensor network (WSN) devices with heterogeneous communicating


Internet of things (IoT) conceptually being a framework of set of connected sensors, actuators and processors over the Internet, the Lab benefits both the faculty members and students as well by helping them study different types of WSNs at different power levels, in different configuration and topology, simulating different geographical conditions and terrain, experimenting with and other WSN specific parameter, configuration and behavior study. The experiments are being developed keeping in mind the needs of undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as research scholars and faculties.


The IoT-WSN infrastructure (at the present moment) available in a well-equipped and furnished lab for the students and faculties to design, develop, fabricate and experiment with WSN based projects targeted for both indoor and outdoor deployment consisting of:

  • Varieties of sensors with varying capabilities. The available sensing capabilities include Accelerometer Sensor, Magnetometer Sensor, Light Sensor, Acoustic/ Sound Sensor, Humidity Sensor, Vibration Sensor, Displacement Censor, GPS Sensor, pH Sensor, Soil Moisture Sensor, Turbidity Sensor, Smoke Sensor, Motion Sensor, Temperature Sensor, Current Sensor, Colour Sensor, IR Sensor, Barometric Sensor, Luxometric Sensors, Air quality sensor, Inflammable gas sensor, LPG/ methane sensor, Alcohol sensor,
  • Varieties of processor architectures: ARM Cortex, ATMega based Arduino UNO R3, Quad Core Broadcom based Raspberry-Pi, Intel Galileo Gen 2, Intel Edision, Waspmote, Beaglebone,
  • Varieties of wireless communication arrangements based on different protocol and technologies (WiFi, GSM, ZigBee,4 GHz RF, Internet, etc.) in the Lab with either fixed or mobile WSN nodes spread across geographically dispersed sites.
  • 24 numbers of Windows 7 desktop Host PCs loaded with various open source and vendor/ supplier specific tools to

configure Radio Communication devices (ZigBee, GSM, 2.4GHz RF Modules, Blue Tooth, WiFi Modules, etc.), IDEs, RTOS libraries, programming, debugging and other software tools for the development of embedded system, real-time system, WSN based IoT applications for ranges of different target Single Board Computer (SBC) platforms,.

  • Various general purpose work-bench tools and tackles for assembling, soldering-iron, de-soldering gun, pliers, cutters, strippers, multi-meters,

The IoT-WSN infrastructure (at the present moment) available in a well-equipped and furnished lab for the students and faculties to design, develop, fabricate and experiment with WSN based projects targeted for both indoor and outdoor deployment consisting of:

  • Varieties of sensors with varying capabilities. The available sensing capabilities include Accelerometer Sensor, Magnetometer Sensor, Light Sensor, Acoustic/ Sound Sensor, Humidity Sensor, Vibration Sensor, Displacement Censor, GPS Sensor, pH Sensor, Soil Moisture Sensor, Turbidity Sensor, Smoke Sensor, Motion Sensor, Temperature Sensor, Current Sensor, Colour Sensor, IR Sensor, Barometric Sensor, Luxometric Sensors, Air quality sensor, Inflammable gas sensor, LPG/ methane sensor, Alcohol sensor
  • Varieties of processor architectures: ARM Cortex, ATMega based Arduino UNO R3, Quad Core Broadcom based Raspberry-Pi, Intel Galileo Gen 2, Intel Edision, Waspmote, Beaglebone
  • Varieties of wireless communication arrangements based on different protocol and technologies (WiFi, GSM, ZigBee,4 GHz RF, Internet, etc.) in the Lab with either fixed or mobile WSN nodes spread across geographically dispersed sites.
  • 24 numbers of Windows 7 desktop Host PCs loaded with various open source and vendor/ supplier specific tools to

configure Radio Communication devices (ZigBee, GSM, 2.4GHz RF Modules, Blue Tooth, WiFi Modules, etc.), IDEs, RTOS libraries, programming, debugging and other software tools for the development of embedded system, real-time system, WSN based IoT applications for ranges of different target Single Board Computer (SBC) platforms,.

  • Various general purpose work-bench tools and tackles for assembling, soldering-iron, de-soldering gun, pliers, cutters, strippers, multi-meters,


IoT-WSN Lab provides ample of scope for the students to experiment with varieties of sensor devises, processor architecture (RISC, CISC, etc.), communication devices (ZigBee Low Power Radio Modems, 2.4GHz RF Tx-Rx Modules, WiFi Modem, Bluetooth Module, Cellular Network Interface modules, etc.) and protocols (IEEE 802.15.4, Ethernet, GSM Cellular Band, 2.4GHz Radio Communication, WiFi, etc.). IoT-WSN Lab provides adequate infrastructural support to make thorough behavioral study and control of WSN nodes and direct access to the WSN gateways to which nodes are connected, allowing students and researchers to monitor nodes energy consumption and other network-related metrics, e.g., end-to-end propagation delay, throughput or overhead, overload conditions, etc. The facility available offers quick experimental setup and deployment, along with easy approach to evaluation, collection and analysis of results. Broad category of scopes available through the IoT-WSN Lab are outlined below:

Experimental Setup

A list of few experimental study scope, but not limited to, that the IoT-WSN Lab permits are:

  • To learn the wireless communication between the WSN
  • To study the relationship between antenna power levels and transmission range between two WSN
  • To study various time synchronization algorithms for WSN and their characteristics
  • To design, develop and implement different topologies for familiarizing the data flow with in a
  • To study WSN algorithms for clustering the nodes
  • To calculate the power consumption of each WSN node and estimate the life time of the network (with respect to battery life).
  • To study and analyze the power consumption of WSN node under different sampling intervals of sensing and different transmission rates and its impact on the lifetime of the WSN node
  • To learn how to integrate various sensor boards and external sensors, such as dielectric moisture sensor, rain gauge, temperature sensor, humidity sensor to WSN nodes and acquire sensor data.
  • To study how the data transmission rate affects the power consumption of a WSN
  • To study how the sensing rate affects the power consumption of a WSN
  • To understand how to acquire, aggregate and transmit useful data from lower nodes to sink nodes in energy efficient manner
  • To design algorithms to help remove the data redundancy
  • To study different network topologies for familiarizing the data flow with in a

Training Programs

IoT-WSN Lab within its scope can organize short-term (2/3 days) or long term (4/6 days) training programs for the students and faculties on the following areas:

  • Training on different SBC architecture, such as ATMega based Arduino UNO R3, Quad Core Broadcom based Raspberry-Pi, Intel Galileo and Edison Boards, , their programming and configuration
  • Setup of WSNs communication framework with Programmable Coordinator & Gateway using ZigBee Low power radio modems on Arduino UNO R3, Intel Galileo Gen 2, Intel Edision, Waspmote, Beaglebone, Raspberry Pi, based SBCs.
  • Setting up of WSNs with Simple End Device with USB Interface and Cloud connectivity through interface to Ethernet
  • Training session on how to interface, program, log data varieties of sensors
  • Training session  on  how  to  configure  and  setup  WSNs  around  different  network  topology  using Coordinator and end node devices
  • Training sessions on how to configure and setup Single Hop and simple Multi Hop (Hierarchical) WSNs
  • Training sessions on how to configure and setup Hierarchical Multi Hop WSNs involving Sink or Gateway Node, Cluster or Coordinator or Router Nodes and Leaf or End Nodes

Student Projects and Publication

IoT-WSN Lab facility are open to all the B.Tech./ M.Tech. students of any branch to conduct practical implementation based end-semester projects to enrich their knowledge through gaining exposure in different beyond-curriculum topics of interest.

Apart from conducting implementation based projects, the lab also extends supports to the students and faculties to conduct theoretical study through experimental validation and write papers based on their experimental findings.

Seminars and Workshop

Coordinators of the IoT-WSN Lab will take initiatives to organize seminars and workshops during semester breakes and vacations for the students and faculties on the new developments and upcoming areas of technology in the WSN domain.



Prof. Satya Ranjan Biswal , Dept of IT

Contact No:9937316299


Mr. Dayal Kumar Behera, Asst. Professor, Dept. of CSE

Contact No: 9853334495

Formal Language and Automata Lab

  1. Implementation of following concept of Theory of computation using C-program:
    1. DFAs for some regular languages
    2. ε-NFA to DFA conversion
    3. NFA to DFA conversion
    4. Program for DFA minimization
    5. PDAs for some Context free languages
    6. CYK parsing algorithm for some specific Context free grammars
    7. Turing machine for some Recursively Languages


  • Processor :- Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-10100 CPU @ 3.60GHz
  • RAM :- 8 GB
  • HDD :- 256 GB SSD
  • Monitor : – 18’’ TFT

Software Used

  • Dev C++ IDE
  • Code Blocks IDE
  • Windows 10 Education OS

Python Programming Lab

List of Experiments:

    • Compute the GCD of two numbers.
    • Find the square root of a number (Newton’s method)
    • Exponentiation (power of a number)
    • Find the maximum of a list of numbers
    • Linear search and Binary search
    • Selection sort, Insertion sort
    • Merge sort
    • First n prime numbers
    • Multiply matrices
    • Programs that take command line arguments (word count)
    • Find the most frequent words in a text read from a file
    • Simulate elliptical orbits in Pygame
    • Simulate bouncing ball using Pygame


  • Processor :- Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-10100 CPU @ 3.60GHz
  • RAM :- 8 GB
  • HDD :- 256 GB SSD
  • Monitor : – 18’’ TFT

Software Used

  • Dev C++ IDE
  • Code Blocks IDE
  • Python 3.9
  • Jupyter IDE
  • Spyder IDE
  • Windows 10 Education OS